
The Future of Healthcare Learning Post-covid

The Future of Healthcare Learning Post-covid

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a massive change in the world; It is the origin of major changes in the development of education. Of all the areas of higher education affected, healthcare may be unique in the opportunities it can offer to post-Covid students if programs can manage and learn from the many challenges of the pandemic.

All educational institutions have been forced to adapt to this new situation, as traditional face-to-face teaching has given way to distance learning.

In this regard, platforms that would allow synchronous course delivery have been rapidly adopted by medical universities. Online platforms have become the most convenient way to disseminate knowledge. Webinars can also include lectures, interactive sessions, and topic presentations. In addition, they are more flexible in terms of location and time and more involved.

In the cognitive domain (knowledge), change is quickly embraced and well accepted. However, in the sensory domain (knowledge), students preferred personal learning.

For this purpose, Honoris Medical Simulation Center of Tunis organizes a webinar entitled "The Future of Healthcare Learning Post-covid" on Thursday, June 24th, 2021, 4:00 pm (Tunis Time, CET), with the participation of the distinguished panelists:

  1. Louis Halamek MD, Director, Stanford Medicine Center for Advanced Pediatric and Perinatal Education (CAPE)
  2. Pierre-Paul Vidal MD, PhD, Head of the « Centre d’étude de la Sensimotricité Université Paris Descartes »
  3. Sarra Cheikhrouhou MD, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine-Tunis El Manar University, (Specialty Parasitology and Mycology)
  4. Chadli Dziri MD, FACS, Director of Honoris Medical Simulation Center-Tunis

The Panel will be moderated by Prof. Yann Meunier MD, Director, International Corporate Affairs and Business Development, Stanford Hospital and Clinics (2010-2011).







7 October 2018

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