
42nd National Congress of Surgery

42nd National Congress of Surgery

Pr Chadli Dziri, director of the Medical Simulation Center and Pr Nidhal Rezg, director of the Central polytec school, participated on the 42nd national congress which took place on Saturday, December 11 from 16:00 to 17:30 at the Sheraton Hotel-Tunis .



15 April 2020

COVID-19 innovations from pan-African university network

Teams of scientists, doctors, engineers, students and professionals from Honoris United Universities, the first and largest pan-African network of private higher education...
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9 April 2020

Honoris United Universities develops 3D-printed respirator in support of global efforts to combat COVID-19

Teams of scientists, doctors, engineers, students and professionals from Honoris United Universities, the first and largest pan-African network of private...
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8 April 2020

Honoris United Universities développe un respirateur pour une ventilation non invasive imprimé en 3D

Des équipes de scientifiques, médecins ingénieurs, étudiants et spécialistes du réseau Honoris United Universities, le premier réseau panafricain d’enseignement supérieur...
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