
The 5th International Congress of the Tunisian Association of Colo Rectal Cancer & 20th Congress of the Mediterranean Mideleast Endoscopic Surgery Association

The 5th International Congress of the Tunisian Association of Colo Rectal Cancer & 20th Congress of the Mediterranean Mideleast Endoscopic Surgery Association

Professeur Chadli Dziri le directeur du Medical Simulation Center, a participé au "The 5th International Congress of the Tunisian Association of Colo Rectal Cancer & 20th Congress of the Mediterranean Mideleast Endoscopic Surgery Association", qui a eu lieu les 22, 23 et 24 septembre 2022 au Centre de Congrès Thalassa de Monastir.

Voir le programme ci-dessous


Le 1er workshop " Pédagogie médicale : Comment réaliser une méta-analyse ?" 22 septembre 2022 ATCCR - Monastir

Le 2ème workshop "Apprentissage du savoir-faire en médecine: Intérêt de la simulation" 23 septembre 2022 ATCCR - Monastir

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The 5th International Congress of the Tunisian Association of Colo Rectal Cancer & 20th Congress of the Mediterranean Mideleast Endoscopic Surgery Association

The 5th International Congress of the Tunisian Association of Colo Rectal Cancer & 20th Congress of the Mediterranean Mideleast Endoscopic...
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