
COVID-19 innovations from pan-African university network

Teams of scientists, doctors, engineers, students and professionals from Honoris United Universities, the first and largest pan-African network of private higher education institutions, have developed a prototype for a new non-invasive respirator, as well as face shields and splash protection masks, which can be affordably and quickly manufactured via 3D printing. The teams have also developed innovative testing and pharmaceutical interventions during a pan-African hackathon.

During this period of unprecedented strain on global healthcare systems, governments and hospitals are calling for solutions that will address the shortage of ventilators and other critical equipment to save lives during the pandemic.

In an act of solidarity, Université Centrale in Tunisia, a member institution of the Honoris network, has partnered with Digital Industry Tools Expert (DITEX), which brings together the expertise of Dassault Systems, Université de Lorraine in France and industrial engineering company TECH-3D. Together, the team has successfully produced a non-invasive ventilation system that can be made using commonly accessible and inexpensive components, making it affordable and easy to produce globally. A team of doctors from within the Honoris network including Dr Chadli Dziri, a leading surgeon and director of the Honoris Medical Simulation Centre in Tunisia, and Dr Mamoun Ben Cheikh, an anesthesiologist, also consulted on the design of the ventilator.

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13 octobre 2021

Honoris United Universities développe un respirateur pour une ventilation non invasive imprimé en 3D

Des équipes de scientifiques, médecins ingénieurs, étudiants et spécialistes du réseau Honoris United Universities, le premier réseau panafricain d’enseignement supérieur...
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13 octobre 2021

Réseau Honoris: ouverture d’un centre de simulation médicale à la pointe de la technologie

Honoris United Universities, le premier réseau panafricain d’enseignement supérieur privé, vient d’annoncer l’intégration du groupe tunisien de formation aux sciences...
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13 octobre 2021

Inauguration du centre de simulation médicale d’HONORIS UNITED UNIVERSITIES Le réseau Honoris United Universities capitalise sur la santé en Tunisie. Il s’apprête dans ce cadre à inaugurer le...
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